Here are my top five blogs that helped me when I was starting out on my writing career.
1. Anne Wayman About Freelance Writing
This is a superb blog which publishes jobs every day and offers some great articles on starting freelance writing to boot!
2. Copyblogger
The information on this website is truly staggering. To learn how to write great copy, then follow this blog and get involved in the great discussions following the posts.
3. Lis Sowerbutts Passive Income Online
Lis lives in Australia and tells it like it is! She has some great tips for making passive income and for using Hubpages as a way to make money.
4. Felicia Williams No Job for Mom
A feel-good blog about making passive income by writing online. Felicia leads by example and always has some interesting posts about the writing life.
5. Carol Tice Make a Living Writing
Carol is up and coming and very informative about how to approach editors and find writing jobs. She offers interesting discussions and has done a couple of webinars with Anne Wayman.
One more that I couldn't resist:
6. Ken Crawford - The Freelancer Today
Again fairly recent on my radar, but Ken's website offers all the information you need to know about setting up a website and making money from it. He also offers perspectives on writing for upfront income.
These are bloggers who are bookmarked and I go back regularly to read their new content.
Who are your favourite bloggers? Have you found any other really informative posts? Let me know.
Photo Credit: Photo on Flickr by 2careless
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