This article is just an overview. All of these ideas require much more reading before you carry them out. The tips are for a UK writer.
Here are my tips for getting started in online writing.
1. Read blogs. Most of them out there are American, but there is some great information out there. Here are some of the most helpful:
but there are many, many more!
2. Learn how to do it. I learned by joining Suite 101 which helps teach you about SEO and writing style. You write on topics that suit you, but you have to apply and please an editor. You get some revenue share from ads on the site. Please let me refer you if you would like to do this.
3. Check out and to see writing jobs and bid for them. Be warned - sometimes these sites are a bit low paying!
4. Sign up to newsletters containing good information.
5. Spread the word around your friends.
6. Decide how you're going to handle tax. The moment you're self-employed, you start owing National Insurance.
7. Join Linked-In at the very least. Twitter is good too.
8. Google 'copywriting jobs' and similar descriptions.
9. Set up your own website
10. To promote your website, leave appropriate comments on other similar blogs.